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Add Health |
Availability | Include both Public-Use Data & Restricted-Use Contractual Data + |
Cito:citesAsDataSource | + ,"National+Longitudinal+Study"[tiab]+AND+"Adolescent"[tiab]+AND+"Adult+Health"[tiab])+OR+"Add+Health"[tiab] + |
Dcat:keyword | income and poverty + , unemployment + , availability and utilization of health services + , crime + , church membership + , social programs and policies + |
Dct:accrualPeriodicity | Decade + |
Dct:alternative | Add Health + |
Dct:description |
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolesc … The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) is a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of adolescents in grades 7-12 in the United States during the 1994-95 school year. The Add Health cohort has been followed into young adulthood with four in-home interviews, the most recent in 2008, when the sample was aged 24-32. Add Health is re-interviewing cohort members in a Wave V follow-up from 2016-2018 to collect social, environmental, behavioral, and biological data with which to track the emergence of chronic disease as the cohort moves through their fourth decade of life. Add Health combines longitudinal survey data on respondents’ social, economic, psychological and physical well-being with contextual data on the family, neighborhood, community, school, friendships, peer groups, and romantic relationships, providing unique opportunities to study how social environments and behaviors in adolescence are linked to health and achievement outcomes in young adulthood. The fourth wave of interviews expanded the collection of biological data in Add Health to understand the social, behavioral, and biological linkages in health trajectories as the Add Health cohort ages through adulthood, and the fifth wave of data collection continues this biological data expansion. continues this biological data expansion. +
Dct:license | + , + |
Dct:publisher | + |
Dct:references | + |
Dct:rights |
Public-use data are available from four di … Public-use data are available from four different sources: The Odum Institute at UNC, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA), and Sociometrics. Users may obtain the data from any of these sources, depending on their needs. f these sources, depending on their needs. +
Dct:title | The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) + |
Foaf:page | + |
Geographic area | US + |
Methods in publications | F-test + , Regression Model + , Logistic Regression + , Cochran-Armitage Trend Test + , Linear Regression + , Analysis Of Variance + , Logistic Regression Model + , Bootstrap + , Chi-square + , K-means Method + , F Test + , Chisquare + , Chi-squared Test + , Wald Test + , Poisson Regression + , EM Algorithm + , MannWhitney + , T-test + , Chi-squared + , Cox Proportional Hazards + , ANOVA + , Expectation Maximization + , Chi-square Test + , Survival Analysis + , Chi Square + , Cox Regression + , Cox Model + , Stepwise Logistic Regression + , T Test + , Wilcoxon + , Principal Component Analysis + , Propensity Score Matching + , Nearest Neighbor + , Proportional Hazards + , Multidimensional Scaling + , Simple Linear Regression + , K-means + , Kmeans + , Gibbs Sampling Algorithm + , KruskalWallis Test + , Boosting + , Hazard Model + , Chi2 + , Fishers Exact Test + , Chi Square Test + , Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test + , Pearsons R + , Inverse Probability Weighting + , Quadratic Discriminant Analysis + , Kaplan-Meier Survival + , Linear Regression Model + , Bayesian Method + , Mann-Whitney U Test + , Genetic Method + , Apriori + , Mann-Whitney + , Paired T-test + , K Means + , Linear And Logistic Regression + , Fisher's Exact Test + , Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test + , Kruskal-Wallis + , Kolmogorov-Smirnov + , Propensity Score Analysis + , Group Average + , Expectation Maximization Algorithm + , Chisquared Test + , Wilcoxon Rank-sum Test + , Part Model + , Chisquared + , Pearson R + , Whitening + , Chisquare Test + , Chi Squared + , KolmogorovSmirnov + , Chi- Square + , Levene Test + , Paired T Test + , Levenes Test + , Log-rank Test + , Generative Model + , McNemar Test + , Kruskal-Wallis Test + , KaplanMeier Survival Analysis + , KaplanMeier Survival Curve + , Paired T -test + , Ttest + , T -test + , Classification Model + , Single Link + , Pearson's R + , Complete Linkage + , Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test + , Log Rank Test + , Schoenfeld Test + , Ftest + , Backward Stepwise Logistic Regression + , Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm + , Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis + , KaplanMeier Survival + , Chi Squared Test + , Genetic Algorithm + , Cochran-Armitage Test + , Pearson Correlation Coefficient + |
PPI | 202.1 + |
Patient type | Population based + |
Pav:hasCurrentVersion | Add Health v0 + |
Publication number | 798 + |
Rdf:type | dctypes:Dataset + |
Rdfs:seeAlso | + , + , + , + |
Top methods in publications |
Logistic Regression (50.00%), Chi-Squared … Logistic Regression (50.00%), Chi-Squared Test (33.17%), Linear Regression (13.13%), Regression Model (9.82%), Principal Component Analysis (8.07%), ANOVA (7.49%), Poisson Regression (5.74%), T-Test (5.06%), Propensity Score Matching (3.40%), Cox Regression (3.40%) e Matching (3.40%), Cox Regression (3.40%) +
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Add Health + , Add Health + |
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3 April 2018 14:11:28 + |
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Add Health v0 + | Dct:isVersionOf |