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Availability Proprietary  +
Blog Changes in Health Care Annual Enrollment using Cohort Analysis +
Cito:citesAsDataSource  + ,"MarketScan"[tiab]  +
Dcat:keyword mscan  + , large employers  + , health plans  + , government  + , public organizations  + , health  + , healthcare  + , health statistics  + , data analysis  + , analysis  + , data collection  + , data processing  + , databases  + , research  + , claim form  +
Dct:accrualPeriodicity  +
Dct:alternative MScan  +
Dct:description MarketScan Research Databases capture person-specific clinical utilization, expenditures, and enrollment across inpatient, outpatient, prescription drug, and carve-out services.  +
Dct:hasPart MarketScan CCE + , MarketScan Medicare Supplemental + , The MarketScan Health and Productivity Management (HPM) Database + , The MarketScan Benefit Plan Design (BPD) Database + , The MarketScan Medicaid Multi-State Database (MDCD) + , The MarketScan Lab Database (MSLR) +
Dct:publisher  +
Dct:references  +
Dct:rights All information collected is held in compl
All information collected is held in complete confidence. All queries are considered confidential between the individual user and Truven Health Analytics. It is policy to not share this information with third parties, unless legally required to do so. If Truven Health Analytics is legally required to make such a disclosure, they will take prompt action to notify the user in order to permit the user as much time as possible to take such actions as it may see fit to protect their information.
may see fit to protect their information.  +
Dct:title MarketScan  +
Foaf:page  +
Geographic area USA  +
Methods in publications ANOVA  + , Boosting  + , Bootstrap  + , CHAID  + , Classification And Regression Tree  + , Cox Regression  + , Logistic Regression  + , Pearson Correlation Coefficient  + , Regression Model  + , Survival Analysis  + , Wilcoxon  + , Fisher's Exact Test  + , Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis  + , Kolmogorov-Smirnov  + , Linear Regression  + , Mann-Whitney U Test  + , Propensity Score Matching  + , Simple Linear Regression  + , Stepwise Logistic Regression  + , Wald Test  + , Poisson Regression  + , Kruskal-Wallis Test  + , Cochran-Armitage Trend Test  + , Nearest Neighbor  + , Inverse Probability Weighting  + , Bayesian Method  + , Group Average  + , Schoenfeld Test  + , Linear And Logistic Regression  + , Analysis Of Variance  + , Part Model  + , Logistic Regression Model  + , Chi-squared  + , T-test  + , Chi-square  + , Linear Regression Model  + , Cox Proportional Hazards  + , Proportional Hazards  + , Kaplan-Meier Survival  + , Log-rank Test  + , Chi-squared Test  + , Cox Model  + , Chi-square Test  + , Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test  + , Chi Square Test  + , T Test  + , Log Rank Test  + , McNemars Test  + , Paired T-test  + , KaplanMeier Survival  + , F-test  + , KruskalWallis  + , CochranArmitage Test  + , Chi Squared  + , Fishers Exact Test  + , Proportional Hazards Regression  + , Chisquare Test  + , Chisquare  + , Chi Square  + , K-means  + , Propensity Score Analysis  + , Fisher Exact Test  + , Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve  + , Kruskal-Wallis  + , Mann-Whitney  + , Hazard Model  + , Chi2  + , Multivariable Cox Proportional Hazards  + , Paired T Test  + , Wilcoxon Sign-rank Test  + , Chisquared  + , Mann-Whitney U-test  + , Pearsons R  + , Classification Model  + , Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection  + , KaplanMeier Survival Curve  + , Kaplan Meier Survival  + , CochranArmitage Test For Trend  + , McNemar Test  + , Multidimensional Scaling  + , Wilcoxon Rank-sum Test  + , MannWhitney  + , KaplanMeier Survival Analysis  + , KruskalWallis Test  + , Chisquared Test  + , Cochrane-Armitage Test  + , Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test  + , Kaplan Meier Survival Analysis  + , T- Test  + , Hierarchical Clustering Method  + , K-means Method  + , Kmeans  + , Kruskal Wallis Test  + , Cochran-Armitage Test  + , CochranArmitage Trend Test  + , Time Series Based  + , Chi- Square Test  + , Kruskal- Wallis Test  + , Chi- Squared Test  + , Random Forests  + , Deep Learning  + , Chi Squared Test  + , Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test  + , F Test  + , Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test  + , Nearest Neighbour  + , Chi- Square  + , Cochran-Armitage Test For Trend  + , ShapiroWilk Test  + , Ttest  + , Wilcoxon Ranksum Test  + , Expectation Maximization  + , Decision Tree Model  +
PPI 446.9  +
Patient type Paid claims and encounter data to detailed patient information across sites and types of providers and over time  +
Pav:hasCurrentVersion MarketScan v0 +
Publication number 1388  +
Rdf:type dctypes:Dataset  +
Schemaorg:logo  +
Top methods in publications Chi-Squared Test (47.88%), Logistic Regres
Chi-Squared Test (47.88%), Logistic Regression (43.32%), Cox Regression (19.22%), T-Test (12.87%), Poisson Regression (12.21%), Propensity Score Matching (10.91%), Linear Regression (9.93%), Regression Model (9.77%), ANOVA (6.68%), Fisher's Exact Test (5.86%)
ANOVA (6.68%), Fisher's Exact Test (5.86%)  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
MarketScan + , MarketScan +
Categories Summary Level
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
3 April 2018 14:13:13  +
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MarketScan v0 + Dct:isVersionOf
Changes in Health Care Annual Enrollment using Cohort Analysis + For Dataset


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