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MarketScan v0 db
Data elements Commercial claims and encounters  + , Medicare supplemental and coordination of benefits  + , Inpatient Admissions  + , Facility Header  + , Inpatient Services  + , Outpatient Services  + , Outpatient Drug Claims  + , Populations  + , Annual Summary Enrollment  + , Detail Enrollment  + , ADMTYP  + , Admission Type  + , BILLTYP  + , Facility Bill Type Code  + , DRG  + , Diagnosis Related Group  + , DSTATUS  + , Discharge Status  + , DX1-15  + , Diagnosis 1-15  + , MDC  + , Major Diagnostic Category  + , PDX  + , Diagnosis Principal  + , PPROC  + , Procedure Principal  + , PROC1-15  + , Procedure 1-15  + , EECLASS  + , Employee Classification  + , EESTATU  + , Employment Status  + , AGE  + , Age of Patient  + , AGEGRP  + , Age Group  + , DATATYP  + , Data Type  + , DATTYP1-12  + , Data Type Month 1-12  + , PROCGRP  + , Procedure Group  + , PROCMOD  + , Procedure Code Modifier  + , PROCTYP  + , Procedure Code Type  + , REVCODE  + , Revenue Code  + , AWP  + , Average Wholesale Price  + , COB  + , COB and Other Savings  + , COINS  + , Coinsurance  + , COPAY  + , Copayment  + , DEDUCT  + , Deductible  + , DISPFEE  + , Dispensing Fee  + , HOSPPAY  + , Payments Hospital  + , HOSPNET  + , Net Payments Hospital  + , INGCOST  + , Ingredient Cost  + , NETPAY  + , Payments Net  + , PAY  + , Payment  + , PHYSNET  + , Net Payments Physician  + , PHYSPAY  + , Payments Physician  + , SALETAX  + , Sales Tax  + , TOTCOB  + , COB and Other Savings Total Case  + , TOTCOINS  + , Coinsurance Total Case  + , TOTCOPAY  + , Copayment Total Case  + , TOTDED  + , Deductible Total Case  + , TOTNET  + , Payments Net Case  + , TOTPAY  + , Payments Total Case  + , CAP_SVC  + , Capitated Service-Claim Indicator  + , CASEID  + , Case and Services Link  + , FACHDID  + , Facility Header Record ID  + , FACPROF  + , Facility-Professional Claim Indicator  + , PAIDNTWK  + , Network Paid Indicator  + , QTY  + , Quantity of Services  + , RX  + , Cohort Drug Indicator  + , SEQNUM  + , Sequence Number  + , VERSION  + , Version  + , person-specific clinical utilization  + , expenditures  + , enrollment across inpatient  + , outpatient  + , prescription drug  + , carve-out services  +
Dcat:accessURL  +
Dcat:keyword See Summary Level.  +
Dcat:landingPage  +
Dct:alternative See Summary Level.  +
Dct:creator  +
Dct:description See Summary Level.  +
Dct:format  +
Dct:language  +
Dct:publisher  +
Dct:references  +
Dct:rights See Summary Level.  +
Dct:source Commercial insurance  + , Medicare supplemental claims  + , Medicaid claims  +
Dct:title MarketScan  +
Foaf:page  + ,  +
Rdf:type dcat:Distribution  + , dctypes:Dataset  +
Schemaorg:logo  +
Sio:has-data-item Inpatient Admissions (I)  + , Facility Header (F)  + , Inpatient Services (S)  + , Outpatient Services(O)  + , Prescription Drug (D)  + , Populations (P)  + , Absenteeism (ABS)  + , Short Term Disability (STD)  + , Long Term Disability (LTD)  + , Workers’ Compensation (WC)  + , Eligibility (E)  + , Lab Test Results (R)  + , Annual Enrollment Summary Table (A)  + , Enrollment Detail Table (T)  + , Outpatient Drugs Table (D)  + , Outpatient Services (O)  + , Populations Table (P)  + , Enrollment (A;T)  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
MarketScan v0 db + , MarketScan v0 db + , MarketScan v0 db +
Categories Distribution Level
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
25 May 2016 20:44:38  +
hide properties that link here 
MarketScan v0 + Dcat:distribution


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