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SEER-Medicare |
Availability | Proprietary + |
Cito:citesAsDataSource | + ,"SEER-Medicare"[tiab]+OR+("Surveillance+Epidemiology"[tiab]+AND+"End+Results-Medicare"[tiab]) + , + |
Dct:alternative | SEER-Medicare data + |
Dct:description |
The SEER-Medicare data reflects the linkag … The SEER-Medicare data reflects the linkage of two large population-based sources of data that provide detailed information about Medicare beneficiaries with cancer. The data contains clinical, demographic and cause of death information for persons with cancer and the Medicare claims for covered health care services from the time of a person's Medicare eligibility until death. The linkage of these two data sources results in a unique population-based source of information that can be used for an array of epidemiological and health services research. +
Dct:publisher | + |
Dct:references | + |
Dct:rights |
The SEER-Medicare data are available to in … The SEER-Medicare data are available to investigators for research purposes. Although personal identifiers for all patient and medical care providers have been removed from the SEER-Medicare data, there remains the remote risk of re-identification. In light of the sensitive nature of the data, maintaining patient and provider confidentiality is a primary concern of NCI, SEER, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Therefore, the SEER-Medicare data are not public use data files. Investigators are required to obtain approval for specific research questions in order to obtain the data to ensure the confidentiality of the patients and providers in SEER areas. NCI will work with investigators requesting data files to balance their research needs with those of the individuals and institutions included in the data. Please note that investigators may not request the entire data set. +
Dct:title | SEER-Medicare Linked Database + |
Foaf:page | + |
Idot:preferredPrefix | SEER-Medicare + |
Methods in publications | Logistic Regression + , Regression Model + , Kaplan-Meier Survival + , Log-rank Test + , Cox Proportional Hazards + , Proportional Hazards + , Chi-square + , Cox Regression + , Poisson Regression + , Chisquare + , Logistic Regression Model + , Part Algorithm + , Chi-squared + , Chi-squared Test + , T Test + , Analysis Of Variance + , ANOVA + , Chi-square Test + , KaplanMeier Survival + , Proportional Hazards Regression + , Survival Analysis + , Wilcoxon + , Fisher's Exact Test + , Stepwise Logistic Regression + , Bootstrap + , MannWhitney + , Mann-Whitney U Test + , Kruskal-Wallis Test + , Cox Model + , Fishers Exact Test + , Linear Regression + , Fishers Linear Discriminant + , Hazard Model + , Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test + , Multivariable Cox Proportional Hazards + , Chi Square + , Chi Square Test + , KruskalWallis Test + , Log Rank Test + , MannWhitney U Test + , Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm + , Propensity Score Analysis + , Multi-dimensional Scaling + , Genetic Algorithm + , Linear And Logistic Regression + , Linear Regression Model + , T-test + , Wald Test + , KruskalWallis + , Kaplan Meier Survival + , Cochran Armitage Trend Test + , Chisquared + , Part Model + , Cochran-Armitage Trend Test + , Simple Linear Regression + , Wilcoxon Rank-sum Test + , Kruskal-Wallis + , Nearest Neighbor + , Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis + , Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test + , McNemars Test + , Chisquare Test + , Average Linkage + , Principal Component Analysis + , F-test + , Pearson Correlation Coefficient + , Propensity Score Matching + , Inverse Probability Weighting + , Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve + , Chi Squared Test + , Cochran-Armitage Test For Trend + , Multidimensional Scaling + , Mann Whitney + , Logrank Test + , Cochrane-Armitage Test + , Fisher Exact Test + , Kaplan Meier Survival Curve + , Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test + , Kaplan Meier Survival Analysis + , Cochran Armitage Test + , Wilcoxon Sign-rank Test + , Ttest + , Classification And Regression Tree + , CART Algorithm + , Gini Index + , Feature Selection Method + , CochraneArmitage Test + , Mann-Whitney + , Modeling Algorithm + , Schoenfeld Residuals Test + , Backward Stepwise Logistic Regression + , Cochran-Armitage Test + , Group Average + , CochranArmitage Test For Trend + , Paired T Test + , McNemar Test + , Bootstrap Aggregating + , Mann-Whitney U-test + , Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test + , Random Forests + , Chi2 + , Cochrane Armitage Test + , KaplanMeier Survival Analysis + , KolmogorovSmirnov + , Gibbs Sampling Algorithm + , Cochran Armitage Test For Trend + , Kruskal Wallis + , F Test + , Chi- Square + , Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient + , Apriori + , ShapiroWilk Test + , Levene Test + , Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test + , Chi Squared + , Wilcoxon RankSum Test + , WilcoxonMannWhitney Test + , K-means + , Kmeans + , K-means Algorithm + , Chisquared Test + , Leave One Out + , K-means Method + , CochranArmitage Trend Test + , Log- Rank Test + , CochranArmitage Test + , Kruskal Wallis Test + , Shapiro-Wilk Test + , Boosting + , MannWhitneyWilcoxon + , K-nearest Neighbor + , Deep Learning + , Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon + , Paired T-test + , McNemar's Test + , Chi- Square Test + , KaplanMeier Survival Curve + , Classification Model + , Nearest Neighbour + , ID3 + , Genetic Method + , KNN + , Chi- Squared + , T- Test + , Kolmogorov-Smirnov + |
PPI | 82.8 + |
Patient type | Medicare beneficiaries with cancer + |
Pav:hasCurrentVersion | SEER-Medicare v0 + |
Publication number | 906 + |
Rdf:type | dctypes:Dataset + |
Rdfs:seeAlso | + |
Top methods in publications |
Chi-Squared Test (54.52%), Logistic Regres … Chi-Squared Test (54.52%), Logistic Regression (50.83%), Cox Regression (39.64%), Log-Rank Test (17.46%), Survival Analysis (14.87%), T-Test (11.12%), Regression Model (10.45%), Kaplan-Meier Survival Estimates (9.34%), Linear Regression (8.85%), Propensity Score Matching (7.01%) (8.85%), Propensity Score Matching (7.01%) +
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SEER-Medicare + , SEER-Medicare + |
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Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
5 April 2018 17:54:59 + |
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SEER-Medicare v0 + | Dct:isVersionOf |