Property:Data elements

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Revision as of 18:15, 25 April 2016 by Jshi (Talk | contribs) (Created a property of type Has type::Text)

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This is a property of type Text.

Pages using the property "Data elements"

Showing 13 pages using this property.


ChestX-ray14 ds +Atelectasis  +, Cardiomegaly  +, Consolidation  +,


HCUP v0 ds +ADAYWK  +, AGE  +, AGEDAY  +,


KID v0 ds +AGE  +, AGEDAY  +, AGEMONTH  +,


MIMIC-III v1.3 db +Patient level data  +, Gender  +, DOB  +,
MIMIC-III v1.4 db +A short description of the reason for the patient’s admission  +, ADMISSIONS  +, ADMISSION_LOCATION  +,
MarketScan v0 db +Commercial claims and encounters  +, Medicare supplemental and coordination of benefits  +, Inpatient Admissions  +,


NEDS v0 ds +AGE  +, AMONTH  +, AWEEKEND  +,
NIS v0 ds +ADAYWK  +, AGE  +, AGEDAY  +,
NRD v0 ds +AGE  +, AWEEKEND  +, DIED  +,


Premier v0 db +Medical services “true” costs  +, age distribution  +, dates of procedures within an admission  +,


SASD v0 ds +  +
SEDD v0 ds +  +
SID v0 ds +  +
Facts about "Data elements"
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property.
Text +